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刑事调查大揭秘 第二季

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《刑事调查大揭秘 第二季》剧情介绍

  It's harder and harder to get away with murder. Today, detectives are convicting more criminals than ever before, thanks to forensic science. Fingerprints, bones, even insects are now forms of indisputable evidence, but that wasn't always the case. Revisit history's dramatic murder cases and see how forensic tools are changing crime solving. 1. 火灾调查 (Fire Investigation) 2. 数字鉴识 (Cyber Forensics) 3. 罪犯侧写 (Criminal Profiling) 4. 血迹喷溅 (Blood Spatter) 5. 微量迹证 (Trace Evidence) 6. 死亡原因 (Cause of Death) 7. 植物证据 (Plant Evidence)

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