• 概述



  Our focus here is on attractive couple George (Rafe Spall) and Amy (Eleanor Tomlinson). Newly arrived in Woking, the London Evening Gazette journalist and amateur scientist hope their new surroundings will help them find peace. George's decision to leave a loveless marriage with his cousin Lucy for the educated Amy has seen him shunned by polite society and estranged from his family. Even his formerly close brother, Frederick (Rupert Graves), a government official, now has no time for his sibling. "This is a selfish, cruel pursuit that cannot help but bring forth the most unpleasant consequences," he hisses.
  However, when six trawlers mysteriously disappear off the coast of Hull, it's clear they are all facing far bigger problems. At first, the British government blame the Russian navy, but then "meteorites" begin landing around the countryside. One of them blazes a trail through Horsell Common, arousing the interest of both Amy and local astronomer Ogilvy (Robert Carlyle).
  As locals begin gathering to gawk at the space debris, something strange begins to unfold. The meteorite rises, emitting a heat ray that kills everyone it touches. Naturally, panic ensues and the government's initial attempts to downplay the event quickly fall away as more and more reports of similar incidents across the land come in. It is though, only the beginning.



2019了居然还能看到电视电影 前半段末日感十足对未知的火星怪物充满恐惧,还有关于俄国英国的紧张关系 后半段不太喜欢 我要看大战火星人


这感情戏真是又臭又长… 男女主角演技不在状态,倒叙得方式完全没必要。仪式感,装逼感运用的太过了。就不能好好从一战的力战火星人这个角度出发好好拍嘛…

120年前的科幻改,鉴于H.G. Wells的原著背景,编剧要有years and years或者高堡奇人编剧的“影射“水准,放眼望去感觉没有。如果抛弃Welles原著里讨论的政治社会主题,《世界之战》放到现在也没什么能拍好的可能和必要了。想看大战火星人的直接不要麻烦了,welles这故事本来就是一个彻头彻尾的“达尔文主义”范例,对人类精神肉体和灵魂都没什么信念。