• 概述


  The Mirgas are a Roma family whose patriarch, Lutvija Belmondo Mirga, has decided to establish his own village. He names it Shanghai. Lutvija Belmondo earns his living as a smuggler. His power and influence spread and eventually include the local police and politicians. He has become untouchable. But now that Yugoslavia has begun to disintegrate, the smuggling of goods is being replaced by the smuggling of arms. This traffic is more lucrative but it is also more dangerous.



这首先是一部吉普赛人的电影 其次才是一部斯洛文尼亚电影 他们审时度势 是天生的政客 他们投机取巧 是本色的商人 他们随处落地生根 永远居无定所 他们每一次人生的抉择都有塔罗指引 每一场人生的转折都有音乐相伴 一代代吉普赛人用能屈能伸的坚韧品格对抗着兴勃亡忽的吊诡命运 摄影原声出彩 结尾略赶


  The Mirgas are a Roma family whose patriarch Lutvija Belmondo Mirga has decided to establish his own village. He names it Shanghai. Lutvija Belmondo earns his living as a smuggler. His power and influence spread and eventually include the local police and politicians. He has become untouchable. But now that Yugoslavia has begun to disintegrate the smuggling of goods is being...