• 概述


  Rafi (Anne Curtis) is happily committed to her lovely partner in life, Mark (Derek Ramsay). She's a bachelorette from a rich family, who belongs to the Friday Club, the regular get-together of her college friends. Rafi is an attention-getter because of her in and out beauty and impressive credentials. But one day, a major life decision shifts everyone's impression of her. Sam (Andi Eigenmann), a rebellious, carefree and happy-go-lucky woman, who thinks that she can get away with her every dilemma. However, her perspectives turn 180 degrees when she meets the man who unexpectedly changes her life.


楼梯间还真是super fun啊。男主拉姆塞,女主柯蒂斯和艾根曼最近在菲演暗黑写实犯罪片都很火

菲律宾女人地位不高,男人外面有情人似乎常见。 女主角Rafi的父亲在外面一直有情人,Rafi在婚前信心不足也不解释清楚就暂时离开, 男主角之前的一夜情人Sam趁虚而入,而Sam的母亲也一直是别人的情人。 Rafi之后返回,三人将何去何从。电影本身很平庸。


  Rafi (Anne Curtis) is happily committed to her lovely partner in life Mark (Derek Ramsay). She's a bachelorette from a rich family who belongs to the Friday Club the regular get-together of her college friends. Rafi is an attention-getter because of her in and out beauty and impressive credentials. But one day a major life decision shifts everyone's impression of her. Sam...